Legal and Ethical Concerns of Dwarfism

 Legal and Ethical Concerns of Dwarfism 

(Goodyer, 2015). 

Legal and Ethical Concerns 

"A new treatment could help children with achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfism, grow taller and avoid health problems in later life. But there are concerns about whether this is ethical" (Saner, 2020, para 1). There are treatments out in the world to help little people become taller such as medications, limb lengthening, etc. But people are arguing on whether or not this is ethical or not. 

Samual Gray is a 9-year-old who took part in a clinical trial for a drug that could improve some of the conditions associated with achondroplasia (Saner, 2020). Samual has grown about 50% faster than would be expected of a child his age which achondroplasia (Saner, 2020). Samual has no issues with getting dressed or washing his hair which can be difficult for some little people due to their shortened arms. 

Letter of the Law

Spirit of the Law

Potential issues impact on the individual 

Impact on family/friend, environment, and society

Goodyer, M. (2015, May 28). What are the ethical and legal issues in marketing? SpinSucks.

Saner, E. (2020, September 28). There is a fear that this will eradicate dwarfism: the controversy over a new growth drug. The Guardian.


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