Challenges and Solutions

(Saner, 2020). 

Challenges and Solutions for those with Dwarfism 

Individuals with dwarfism face many challenges daily. The world is not made for little people; the world is made for 'average' size individuals. Some challenges that little people face are: 

  • Reduced Muscle Tone 
  • Delayed Motor Skill 
  • Breathing Problems 
  • Scoliosis 
  • Bowed Legs 
  • Limited Joint Flexibility 
  • Arthritis 
  • Lower Back Pain 
  • Leg Numbness
  • Frequent Ear Infections 
  • Risk of Hearing Loss 
  • Crowded Teeth
  • (Gavin, 2015). 
There is no cure for Dwarfism, but there are some solutions to help those with dwarfism. Some of these solutions, though, aren't always an option for some. Some solutions might be surgical treatments, hormone therapy, ongoing health care, or limb lengthening. Surgical treatments help correct problems in individuals with disproportionate dwarfism; which can include correcting the direction of bones, stabilizing and correcting the shape of a spine, increasing the size of openings in bones of the spine to alleviate pressure on the spinal cord, and placing a shunt to remove excess fluid around the brain (if it occurs) (Mayo Clinic, 2018). Hormone therapy is when an individual with dwarfism is injected with a synthetic version of a hormone that may increase final height. Children receive daily injections for several years until they reach maximum adult height (Mayo Clinic, 2018). Ongoing health care such as regular checkups and ongoing care by a family doctor can improve life quality. The range of symptoms and complications, treatments can be tailored to address problems as they occur, such as assessments and treatment for ear infections, spinal stenosis, and sleep apnea (Mayo Clinic, 2018). Limb lengthening has been a controversial topic. Some little people can choose to undergo a surgery called extended limb lengthening. As with other surgeries, there are risks with limb lengthening. It is recommended that little people wait until they are old enough to decide due to the emotional and physical stress involved with the multiple procedures (Mayo Clinic, 2018). 

Challenges and Issues for Family Members 

(Weebly, 2021). 

Dwarfism isn't only hard for the individual; it is affecting but also those around them. Families have to find ways to make their homes adaptable for their children that have dwarfism. But not only do they have to make their home adaptable for them, but they also need to make their home adaptable for themselves as well. Average size individuals can have dwarfism babies, and little people can have average size children. As mentioned above, the world is not made for little people; families need to be involved and educated about helping their children. 

Families can talk with their pediatricians or specialist about at-home care. Issues the critical for children with disproportionate dwarfism include: 
  • Car Seats 
  • Infant carriers and play equipment 
  • Adequate head and neck support 
  • Complications
  • Posture 
  • Healthy diet 
  • Healthy activities
  • (Mayo Clinic, 2018).
Each of the issues above lists out what advantages and how each proper item listed above can help little people not have as many complications when they are older. While parents can talk with pediatricians and specialists about proper tools for their children, some things can do at home to help them cope with challenges and function independently. Such as: 
  • Seek Help 
  • Modify your home 
  • Provide personal adaptive tools
  • Talk to educators
  • Talk about teasing 
  • (Mayo Clinic, 2018). 
It's important to do research and ask questions. Each child or adult with a disability wants to be treated as if they were everyone else. It's important to raise them independently and know what the outside world can be like. 

Issues in Societal Areas and Accommodations 

"People with dwarfism realize from a very early age that others see and treat them as not only physically different people, but as people of lower social status or identity" (Arregui, 2021, pg. 2). Individuals with dwarfism are teased due to their size. It starts in school, and it doesn't end until they are no longer around. Individual's perceptions of people with disabilities are negative. No one understands nor is educated on the different disabilities someone can have. Individuals with dwarfism are often disregarded in social interactions or social activities (Arregui, 2021). These individuals are also excluded from school and extracurricular activities for physical reasons (Arregui, 2021). When little people are insulted, it affects the person in much bigger ways and damages their self-esteem. 

When someone is different from those around, it is important for teachers to explain to the other children why some people are born differently from others. Include the individual who is different from those to explain what they have but make sure the child feels comfortable. It is also society's job to educate themselves and no be so judgemental. Along with being more open-minded to things that are different. 


"In the last few years, we've seen the mainstreaming of dwarfism, due in large measure to television series such as 'Little People, Big World' and 'The Little Couple'" (Kennedy, 2010). Each little person deserves every opportunity as an average size individual has. Due to these shows, there is a positive twist on it but people that watch them arent always going to have that positive aspect to it. These shows show how little people live their everyday lives. Each of these shows has been around for many years, showing how they live their everyday life and raise their children. They share their hardships and everyday struggles when it comes to being a little person. 

Societal Awareness and Accommodations 

Little people have to work to support themselves and when it comes to certain jobs they must have accommodations. 

Little people that need accommodations for grasping their employers can help by having: 

  • Accessible software for webbing
  • Adjustable drafting tables 
  • Adjustable massage tables 
  • Aide/Assistant/Attendant
  • Alternative spray can holders/guns 
  • Anti-vibration gloves
  • Anti-vibration tool wraps 
  • Auto-dialers
  • Automated filing systems
  • Book holders 
  • Breath and mouth controlled alternative computer input devices 
  • ETC. 
  • (JAN, 2021). 
There are many accommodations that can be made when it comes to handling/fingering, reaching, and toileting, and grooming issues. If there is a will and there are good employers they will be willing to help accommodate a little person. 


Arregui, F., S. (2021). Social Stigmatization in Achondroplasia. Department of Social and Organizational Psychology. (

Gavin, L., M. (2015, April). Dwarfism Factsheet (for Schools). Kids Health.

Jan. (2021). Litter Person. Job Accommodation Network.

Kennedy, D. (2010, March 4). A few thoughts on China's dwarfism theme park. Media Nation.

Mayo Clinic. (2018, August 17). Dwarfism.

Saner, E. (2020, September 28). There is a fear that this will eradicate dwarfism: the controversy over a new growth drug. The Guardian.

Weebly. (2021). Social Challenges in Education: Dwarfism.


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